ME! (ft. Myself and I)

Greetings and salutations! Welcome to my blog where I, Hannah Burns, am Brutally Honest. When Dr. Kennedy assigned a semester-long blog, I immediately thought of what a pain it would be to express myself regarding social media. After all, my social media use is pretty limited to scrolling through Instagram looking at pictures of babies and saint quotes, and planning my imaginary wedding on Pinterest. But I will embrace the challenge as gracefully as possible.

            I’m graduating in December, with a big fat question mark next to the checkbox for future plans. I think I might like corporate event planning, sales, hospitality, goat farmer, or some other non-monotonous (nonotonous?) position. Who knows? Not me. And that is A-Okay.

            This blog will follow my innermost (and appropriate) thoughts regarding prompts from Dr. Kennedy and social media influences. The title “Brutally Honest” is quite self-explanatory, but if you need an explanation: I am going to be brutally honest. Unbarred and true thoughts I have regarding blog prompts while maintaining respect for my readers (even if it is just my professor). Ironically, my feminine color scheme and pattern will contrast my brutal honesty, and perhaps soften it. I look forward to sharing my input with whoever is reading this. Farewell for now!
