I hate Twitter.

First, I’d like to informally apologize (again). What I am about to blog about is controversial and perhaps offensive to the modern person. But I said I would be brutally honest, and I have to maintain my candidness, no matter how contentious.
I hate Twitter. Here is a haiku describing it:

Twitter: ew, yucky.
Superficial time-waster.
Negative black-hole.

Image result for anti twitter

Okay—now I will support my claim. I had a Twitter in high school and into my first year at the Mount. I spent an absurd amount of time watching Buzzfeed Tasty videos (which I still am addicted to via other media) and post-wisdom teeth removal clips. I deleted the app and probably recovered 1-2 hours of my day.

Then, Dr. Kennedy kindly offered 50 points of extra credit, which is no small amount; in the form of Twitter posts! AGH! What a conflict—remain stubborn in my hatred of the microblogging, nonsense that is Twitter or harden my heart and make a new account.

Extra credit won me over. I made a new account with two followers (Dr. Kennedy, and my dear friend and fellow COMM major, Alex). I have posted about five times for extra points, and the only likes I get are from my kind professor @DrK. I am totally okay with this, and plan to delete my account after I take my Social Media final exam.

I am sure Twitter has positive points. News is disseminated, social awareness is made, and videos of puppies are shared, but I cannot get over the amount of negativity I saw and see on Twitter that brings people down. But haters gonna hate, which includes me and my feelings towards Twitter.
