My Facebook Timeline

I remember when I was 12 and begged my mom to let me make a Facebook. I knew everyone at school had an account and I wanted to be virtual friends with my real friends.

My mom would read horror stories (probably on Facebook) about kids putting too much personal information on their accounts and being abducted. Obviously, she wasn’t going to let her pre-teen daughter make an account.

We negotiated on being 13 before I made my account. I remember waking up, receiving “happy birthday” messages and making my desired Facebook. Finally…
Well, Facebook was not all it was cracked up to be. By the time I was 15, I had hundreds of “friends” and got constant notifications about ads, more random friend requests, and game invitations. I deleted my account.

Before I left for my study abroad trip to Ireland, my mom made me create another Facebook account. Ironically, this is the same woman who vehemently refused my requests to create one in the first place. To please my mother, I made a new account. Immediately, friend requests came in. I think the only request I got excited about was my grandmother’s.

Today, I rarely go on Facebook. I’m glad I have one, but I am also glad I don’t use it often. I know it is a huge part of our society and influences our communication. I think I will follow my mother’s initiative and limit my (possible future) children’s use of social media.
