[Un]Impression Management

“Hello! Get to know me! But not really me, just who I want you to think I am.”

Impression management freaks me out a little bit. Defined in class as, “the process by which individuals attempt to control people’s perception of them” suggests a façade created by media users. Are we really that superficial? Or scared to express ourselves? Isn’t the purpose of social media to show our “friends” and “followers” who we are?

            I understand that it is hard to be vulnerable. I know what it means to want to maintain a reputation, or impress others. Yet, impression management seems fake. 

            Authentic relationships, even through social media are possible. Receiving a message and responding naturally, without giving yourself too much time generating the response you think the other person wants to hear is authentically you (obviously, you can take time to check for grammatical errors).

            Distorting your personality, appearance, culture, tastes, etc. creates a pseudo-self. It can be frustrating to meet someone in person and try to talk to them, yet they seem more comfortable communicating to you via a screen. 

            Tinder is a prime example of impression management. Men and women oftentimes say what they think the other person would want to hear. Lying about your accomplishments, height, and/or age to deceive someone into liking you and usually sharing personal information and images!

            It’s wonderful if you can express yourself from your Instagram or Twitter account, but please don’t lie to impress me. That’s unimpressive management. Thanks for letting me be Brutally Honest. Have a happy day!
