Creativity for the Increative

I love pretty things. I love pretty art with lots of history, hidden meaning, and being transported to the artist’s side at a point in time when they created something beautiful from raw materials.

I have never been good at painting or drawing, or really anything artsy at all. I just like looking. I love color schemes, patterns, and designs, but I cannot create them. When Dr. K said to make a logo for our class blogs, I was excited but apprehensive.

Does Canva have these same capabilities? Can I make something beautiful with meaning? Well, I tried…

I am familiar with using Canva for flyers, emails, and social media posts, but I never made my own logo.

I found a logo template that caught my eye and then totally scrapped it. I used my Blogger Theme Designer to find the exact colors I used in my blog background: #733640 and #e76d80. Oooh, how exciting! Practically paint by number.

My theme was flowers, so I played around with the flower prints on Canva until I found one I liked. The font I first used for “Brutally Honest” was a romantic script. I changed “Brutally” to a bold font, and “Honest” to a cursive script. I moved the location of my title and details and asked my roommates what they thought, and after receiving their approval, I settled on my logo.

It all took about ten minutes. I told my boyfriend I made a logo and he replied, “Hahaha the blog only the Prof reads?” Yes, that one. So, Dr. K—please enjoy my logo!


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