10+ Things I Hate (and Love) About Social Media

I probably hate social media more than I like it.

I love that you can keep in touch with family and friends across the world. I love that you can “frivolously” find information—recipes, news, pictures of baby goats. I love seeing what other people are doing, where they are traveling, engagements, and baby announcements. I love seeing memes and sending them to my sister who lives far away.  

But there are a lot of things I hate.

I hate how mean people are on social media. I hate how much time it takes up in my daily life. I hate how distracted I get. I hate how I am required to use social media—academically, professionally, socially.

I hate how we willingly give up personal information. We think it is going to another person and no one else will see it, but that is not the case. I hate that Instagram thinks I am getting engaged and keeps showing me shiny rings and pretty white dresses.

I feel like people think what they are saying is the most important thing in the world, but maybe it is only in their world. Most people are shouting into a void, and if people hear it, maybe they rip them apart mercilessly.

We are inundated by social media, and I think we forget it is a tool. But we can distract ourselves with images of baby goats, and shiny rings, and memes.

Image result for baby goat meme

Sorry, I’m just being brutally honest.
