Cast the first stone...

"Let him without sin cast the first stone."

This is what Jesus says to the group of men who want to stone the woman who is found guilty of adultery.

If Jesus was on Twitter it would probably be something like this...

"If you are perfect, tweet nasty things at someone you disagree with."

I bet Twitter would be silent. But it's not.

No, people drag others down and think they somehow deserve it.

I know a girl who unknowingly had screenshots taken of her in a charcoal facemask. A guy whom she refused to sleep with sent those pictures of her around to his friends.

They were posted on Twitter with the caption of where she would be attending college and her name. The caption also said, "Twitter, do your thing."

These self-proclaimed Social Justice Warriors gave their verdict and condemned a minor who didn't even know what was happening. She had a panic attack for four hours.

Is that justice? Is that how we as a society handle disagreement? I didn't know Twitter could also be used to emotionally and psychologically execute people who maybe did not do anything legally wrong, just social missteps taken out of context by eyes not meant to see it.

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