I will never go viral. I am too boring. And that’s okay!

There are some people who want fifteen minutes of fame. I am not one of those people and would prefer to be outside the spotlight—actually very far from the spotlight. I am better at supporting those people who are in the spotlight, kinda like a good bra.

What is my aversion to fame? Well, my friend, it isn’t fame. It is a fleeting moment where people feel important for a brief amount of time. Is it genuine? No. Is it sustainable? Nope. Does it serve a purpose? Not really. 

I sound like a grumpy old man who sits on his porch and complains about those “crazy kids,” and “back in my day we found fame going to ‘Nam.”

Image result for viral handsome goat
A Malaysian goat (named Sia) that went
 viral for being handsome.
I was watching cable TV (which I rarely do—because I am old) and I saw two different commercials reference “viral”. What is the obsession? I guess there are pros and cons.

Pros: famous, people are talking about you, you get more followers, you can spread awareness

Cons: you are not famous for long, maybe people are saying bad things about you, you get more followers all up in your beeswax, viral people don’t usually spread awareness after their fame has expired.***

***I would like to make an exception to the spreading awareness bit. Those are great! But I don’t think they count as viral because they are not limited to one individual. The viral I’m talking about is Kombucha Girl (which I just saw right now to reference in this blog). Kombucha girl is actually pretty funny, but otherwise meaningless. Of course, kombucha is gross.

I tried to find a picture for something "viral". I found a bunch of diseases. 'Nuff said.
