My love for Wikipedia...

I love Wikipedia.

Where else can you find the Top 50 Most Influential British People and information about Kiera Knightley within the same website?

I don't usually feel like the information I find is biased, or fabricated, or false. Actually, I find it to be generally easy to understand and interesting to read. I get more lost reading Wikipedia pages on past popes than I do scrolling Instagram.

With the information we learned in class, I think teachers and professors should reevaluate their opposition to Wikipedia when writing research papers. 

Students are usually encouraged to use encyclopedias, even online ones, so why is Wikipedia different? 

There is a stigma around the information hotspot that anyone can edit anything, but this just does not coincide with the fact that the majority of information is fact-checked by bots anyway. 

I'm more inclined to believe the information I receive from Wikipedia than the majority of all political speeches, which I guess isn't saying much. 

Image result for wikipedia 
